Sunday, August 31, 2008

City People, Country Roads

On the way out to the farmhouse to convene for the beginning of the tour, irrigation from the neighboring fields floods the road.  While Andrew cruises safely through in his sedan, Kurt manages to get his Ford F150 Pickup stuck.  (hmmm).  Result is a shower of sprinkler water all over all amps and guitars, Drew ejects from the cab and trudges through mud to hold sprinklers manually so they don’t flood and ruin all the equipment in the uncovered truck bed.  Kurt spins tires frantically digging a deeper hole.  I wait helplessly 3 hours south in LA, waiting for the call back for the conclusion of the events.  Will this tour be foiled before it even starts?  Electronics and muddy water do not mix well.  Initial conclusions:  City folk do not know how to drive on country roads.



Unknown said...

I want mud/swamp pics.....I say prove it!!!!

Unknown said...
